Pada tanggal 15 Februari 2018 telah diadakan suatu acara yang sangat menarik dengan tajuk "Pentas Puas" yang diselenggarakan oleh brand Rokok Aroma di Halaman GSG Pringgodani Desa Wonopringgo, Kabupaten Pekalongan. Acara tersebut diselenggarakan berkat kerjasama antara Brand Aroma dengan Pemerintah Desa Wonopringgo serta Karang Taruna Pringgodani Desa Wonopringgo. Dalam acara tersebut ada beberapa kegiatan yang dilaksanakan, diantaranya adalah Festival Jajan Pasar, Fun Game serta hiburan rakyat. Lalu bagaimana keseruan acara tersebut berlangsung? Mari kita simak bersama-sama melalui uraian berikut ini...
On 5 August 2018 a very interesting event was held with the title "Pentas Puas" organized by the Cigarette Brand of Aroma at GSG Pringgodani Wonopringgo Village, Pekalongan Regency. The event was held thanks to the cooperation between Aroma Brand with The Government Wonopringgo Village and Karang Taruna Pringgodani of Wonopringgo Village. In the event there are some activities that are held, among there are the "Festival Jajan Rakyat", Fun Games and entertainment folk. Then how is the excitement of the event going on? Let us look together through the following description ...
At around 19:45 the host of the show again broke the silence with persuasive invitations as well as other exciting entertainment words. The audience has not seen much around the venue because the rainy afternoon is still going on until the time the host starts playing his part to open the show at night. The event opened with a very neat appearance from local artist Pekalongan. By bringing the song "Jaran Goyang", the performers seemed to attract the audience to keep flocking to the venue of the event. As a distraction, while waiting for more visitors crowded the venue, on stage held a dance game with some prize. The game is a ball dance performed by two participants who performed by flanking a small ball between two participants heads. When the music is played, the two participants are required to dance with the condition that the flanked ball should not fall. However, when the music stops playing, the participants must stop swaying and should not change positions at all. Participants are declared victorious if music has been finished and the flanked ball does not fall from the clasp of both participants.
In addition to entertainment on stage, there are also other game with some prizes held outside the main stage. Among them are throwing ball's game. That is, participants are required to throwing a small ball to be inserted into the target hole that has been provided with a certain number. Participants are declared winning when the ball is thrown right on target and the prize will be taken from the number of holes that successfully targeted. In addition to these games, there is also a festival of people's snacks organized to further enliven the event that took place. Among the snacks sold is a snack and a typical dish Pekalongan namely "Megono Rice".
Semakin malam acara semakin meriah, karena pengisi acara mulai memainkan lagu-lagu populer yang sedang digemari oleh masyarakat. Para penonton yang telah datang memadati halaman GSG Pringgodani Desa Wonopringgo mulai terbawa suasana dengan melakukan gerakan-gerakan unik yang selaras dengan hiburan yang dibawakan oleh pengisi acara. Penonton yang sebagian besar diisi oleh pemuda Desa Wonopringgo pun semakin menyemarakkan acara ketika ada salah satu pemuda yang mengomando gerakan tarian yang ditata sedemikan rupa. Hingga gerakan tersebut pun diikuti oleh sebagian besar penonton yang sedang menikmati hiburan yang berlangsung sehingga tercipta suatu gerakan selaras yang terlihat apik. Semakin malam, acara pun semakin menarik. Ditandai dengan semakin menambahnya jumlah penonton yang memadati tempat berlangsungnya acara.
More night the show gets lively, as the performers begin to play songs that are popular in public. The spectators who have come in to the outdoor of GSG Pringgodani Wonopringgo Village began to get carried away by doing unique movements in harmony with entertainment performed by the performers. Audience mostly filled by the youth of Wonopringgo village also graced the event when there was one young man who commanded the dance movements arranged in such a way. Until the movement was followed by most of the spectators who were enjoying the entertainment that took place to create a movement that looks harmony. The more nights, the more interesting of the event. Marked by the increasing number of spectators who crowded the venue of the event.
Tepat pukul 23.00 WIB pembawa acara mulai menyampaikan salam perpisahannya. Dengan demikian acara "Pentas Puas Aroma bersama Karang Taruna Pringgodani" pun memasuki penghujung acara. Hingga tiba saatnya pembawa acara serta pengisi acara membawakan persembahan terakhir sekaligus menutup acara tersebut. Kami masyarakat Desa Wonopringgo menyambut baik dengan adanya acara yang sangat menarik tersebut. Harapannya kerjasama semacam ini, utamanya dari pihak brand Aroma bisa terus berlangsung atau mungkin pihak atau brand lain ada yang tertarik mengajak kerjasama dengan Pemerintah Desa Wonopringgo? Silahkan hubungi kami melalu tab kontak yang tersedia pada menu utama website ini. Kami akan sangat terbuka dengan kerjasama-kerjasama yang menguntungkan bagi kedua belah pihak yang bekerjasama. Jadi tunggu apalagi? Ayo bermitra dengan Desa Wonopringgo...
Exactly at 23:00 pm the host began to deliver his farewell greeting. Thus the event "Pentas Puas Aroma bersama Karang Taruna Pringgodani" entered the end of the event. Until it was time for the host and performers to bring the last offering and close the event. We are Wonopringgo villagers welcomed the very interesting event. We hope of this kind of cooperation, especially from the Aroma brand can continue or maybe other parties or brands are interested to invite cooperation with the Government of Wonopringgo Village? Please contact us via the contact tab available on the main menu of this website. We will be very open with the cooperation that is beneficial for both parties who work together. So what are you waiting for? Let's partner with Wonopringgo Village ...
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Wonopringgo Maju,
Wonopringgo Bersatu,
Wonopringgo MANTap!,
Wonopringgo Maju, Bersatu, MANTap!
Salam MANTap!
"Menuju Wonopringgo MANTap! (Mandiri, Aman, Nyaman dan Terampil)"