After a series of flag ceremonies to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), the series of events in Wonopringgo Village has not ended. Because there will still be some more events to be held. One of them is "Competition in Order to Commemorate HUT RI-72 Year 2017". In this year, there are three competitions held on 17 August 2017. Namely the banana racing contest, the crack feeding contest and the areca climbing competition. Prior to August 17, 2017 there were also several competitions that had been held, namely table tennis and team badminton team competition. Then, what does the race like?
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Galeri Foto Lomba Dalam Rangka Memperingati HUT RI ke-72 Tahun 2017 / Photo Gallery of Competition In Order To Commemorate Independence Day of Republic Indonesia to 72 Year 2017
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