Wonopringgo, 29 Juni 2017 - Setelah acara jalan sehat sekaligus halal bihalal di pagi harinya, kemudian ada acara ngarak mustoko di siang harinya, serangkaian acara pasca lebaran di Desa Wonopringgo belum berakhir. Masih ada satu lagi acara yang harus di selesaikan. Yaitu acara yang bertajuk "Pengajian Umum Dalam Rangka Halal Bi Halal Desa Wonopringgo Tahun 2017". Acara tersebut diperuntukkan bagi siapa pun yang merupakan warga Desa Wonopringgo. Jadi, mau muda, tua, pria ataupun wanita diperbolehkan dan dipersilahkan untuk menghadiri acara tersebut.
Wonopringgo, June 29, 2017 - After a healthy walk event and halal bihalal in the morning, then there is a procession of "ngarak mustoko" on afternoon, a series of post-Eid events in Wonopringgo village is not over. There is still one more event to complete. Namely the event entitled "Public Recitation Beside of Halal Bi Halal on Wonopringgo Village Year 2017". The event is for anyone who is a citizen of Wonopringgo Village. So, want young, old, men or women are allowed and welcome to attend the event.
Wonopringgo, June 29, 2017 - After a healthy walk event and halal bihalal in the morning, then there is a procession of "ngarak mustoko" on afternoon, a series of post-Eid events in Wonopringgo village is not over. There is still one more event to complete. Namely the event entitled "Public Recitation Beside of Halal Bi Halal on Wonopringgo Village Year 2017". The event is for anyone who is a citizen of Wonopringgo Village. So, want young, old, men or women are allowed and welcome to attend the event.
Acara dibuka oleh penampilan kesenian duror dari Desa Wonopringgo. Karena keindahan lantunan irama musik yang dibawakannya, kemudian mulai menarik perhatian masyarakat Desa Wonopringgo untuk segera menuju ke GSG Pringgodani guna menghadiri acara tersebut di atas. Sekitar pukul 19.30 warga mulai berduyung-duyung berdatangan ke tempat acara, padahal acara secara resmi baru akan dimulai pukul 21.00 WIB. Sebelum memasuki tempat acara, warga yang hadir akan disambut oleh pemuda atau pemudi Desa Wonopringgo yang tergabung dalam Karang Taruna Pringgodani di setiap pintu masuk yang tersedia. Pintu masuk disediakan sebanyak 2 buah, di sebelah Timur GSG Pringgodani yang dikhususkan untuk pengunjung pria yang akan disambut oleh pemuda Desa Wonopringgo dan di sebalah Selatan GSG Pringgodani yang dikhususkan untuk pengunjung wanita yang akan disambut oleh pemudi Desa Wonopringgo.
The event was opened by a performance of "duror's art" from the village of Wonopringgo. Because of the beauty of the music rhythm that he brought, then began to attract the attention of the people of Wonopringgo Village to came to GSG Pringgodani to attend the event mentioned above. At around 19.30 people began to stagger to come to the venue, but the event will officially begin at 21:00 pm. Prior to entering the venue, the residents will be welcomed by the youth or girls of Wonopringgo Village who are members of Karang Taruna Pringgodani at every available entrance. The entrance is provided as much as 2 pieces, to the east of GSG Pringgodani devoted to male visitors who will be welcomed by youth man of Wonopringgo Village and in the South GSG Pringgodani which is devoted to female visitors who will be welcomed by youth girl of Wonopringgo Village.
Sembari menunggu pembicara hadir ditengah-tengah acara, pengunjung yang telah hadir di dalam GSG Pringgodani masih terus dihibur oleh penampilan dari kesenian duror Desa Wonopringgo. Untuk informasi, kesenian duror Desa Wonopringgo juga bisa diundang untuk mengisi acara di berbagai tempat dan berbagai acara. Untuk info lebih lanjut mengenai hal itu, silahkan hubungi saudara IBNU ZIYAD di 0857 2616 4591
While waiting of the speaker to be present in the middle of the event, the visitors who have been present in GSG Pringgodani still kept entertained by the appearance from "duror's art" of Wonopringgo village. For information, "duror's art" Wonopringgo village can also be invited to fill the event in various places and various events. For more info on this subject, please contact IBNU ZIYAD's sibling at 0857 2616 4591
Tepat pukul 21.00 WIB, acara resmi dibuka oleh pembawa acara, yang kebetulan saat itu dibawakan langsung oleh saudara Istiqomah. Kemudian acara dilanjutkan dengan pembacaan ayat suci Al-Qur'an yang dibawakan langsung oleh saudara Ayu serta pembacaan arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang dibawakan oleh saudara Ana. Kedua nama yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya merupakan pemudi Desa Wonopringgo yang tergabung dalam IPPNU (Ikatan Pelajar Putri Nahdatul Ulamah) Desa Wonopringgo. Setelah itu, acara dilanjutkan dengan sambutan-sambutan. Dimana sambutan pertama disampaikan oleh Ketua Panitia, saudara Ibnu Ziyad. Lalu, sambutan kedua dibawakan oleh Kepala Desa Wonopringgo, saudara Slamet Haryanto.
Exactly at 21:00 pm, the event was officially opened by master of ceremony, who happened to be brought directly by Istiqomah. Then the event continued with the recitation of the holy verses of the Qur'an that was delivered directly by Ayu and the reading of the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia presented Ana. The two previously mentioned names are girls from Wonopringgo Village who are members of IPPNU (Student Association of Putri Nahdatul Ulamah) Wonopringgo Village. After that, the event continued with some speech. Where the first speech delivered by the Chairman of the Committee, Ibnu Ziyad. Then, the second speech was delivered by the Village Chief Wonopringgo, Slamet Haryanto.
Setelah acara hiburan dan sambutan-sambutan selesai, kemudian acara mulai memasuki acara inti. Dimana acara inti tersebut merupakan pengajian yang dibawakan langsung oleh KH Abdul Manan dari Kayugeritan Karanganyar, Kabupaten Pekalongan. Tepat pukul 22.00 WIB pembicara memulai meberikan ceramahnya pada acara pengajian umum dalam rangka "Halal Bi Hhalal Masyarakat Desa Wonopringgo Tahun 2017". Pada kesempatan kali ini, pembicara lebih menekankan kepada pentingnya menyambung tali silaturahmi dan pentingnya saling memafkan pada hari yang suci ini. Tepat pukul 23.30 WIB acara selesai dan kemudian ditutup dengan doa bersama untuk kebaikan bersama dan juga untuk kemajuan Desa Wonopringgo.
After the entertainment and some speech are over, then the event begins to enter the core event. Where the core event is a recitation brought by KH Abdul Manan from Kayugeritan Karanganyar, Pekalongan Regency. Precisely at 22:00 pm the speaker began giving his lecture at the public recitation event in order to "Halal Bi Halal People of Wonopringgo Village Year 2017". On this occasion, the speaker put more emphasis on the importance of connecting ties and the importance of mutual forgiveness on this holy day. Precisely at 23:30 pm the event was completed and then closed with a joint prayer for the common good and also for the progress of Wonopringgo Village.
Seluruh dokumentasi acara ini, dapat dilihat pada tautan berikut DI SINI (Galeri di Web desawonopringgo.com) atau DI SINI (Galeri di Facebook Page Desa Wonopringgo)
The event was opened by a performance of "duror's art" from the village of Wonopringgo. Because of the beauty of the music rhythm that he brought, then began to attract the attention of the people of Wonopringgo Village to came to GSG Pringgodani to attend the event mentioned above. At around 19.30 people began to stagger to come to the venue, but the event will officially begin at 21:00 pm. Prior to entering the venue, the residents will be welcomed by the youth or girls of Wonopringgo Village who are members of Karang Taruna Pringgodani at every available entrance. The entrance is provided as much as 2 pieces, to the east of GSG Pringgodani devoted to male visitors who will be welcomed by youth man of Wonopringgo Village and in the South GSG Pringgodani which is devoted to female visitors who will be welcomed by youth girl of Wonopringgo Village.
Sembari menunggu pembicara hadir ditengah-tengah acara, pengunjung yang telah hadir di dalam GSG Pringgodani masih terus dihibur oleh penampilan dari kesenian duror Desa Wonopringgo. Untuk informasi, kesenian duror Desa Wonopringgo juga bisa diundang untuk mengisi acara di berbagai tempat dan berbagai acara. Untuk info lebih lanjut mengenai hal itu, silahkan hubungi saudara IBNU ZIYAD di 0857 2616 4591
Exactly at 21:00 pm, the event was officially opened by master of ceremony, who happened to be brought directly by Istiqomah. Then the event continued with the recitation of the holy verses of the Qur'an that was delivered directly by Ayu and the reading of the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia presented Ana. The two previously mentioned names are girls from Wonopringgo Village who are members of IPPNU (Student Association of Putri Nahdatul Ulamah) Wonopringgo Village. After that, the event continued with some speech. Where the first speech delivered by the Chairman of the Committee, Ibnu Ziyad. Then, the second speech was delivered by the Village Chief Wonopringgo, Slamet Haryanto.
Setelah acara hiburan dan sambutan-sambutan selesai, kemudian acara mulai memasuki acara inti. Dimana acara inti tersebut merupakan pengajian yang dibawakan langsung oleh KH Abdul Manan dari Kayugeritan Karanganyar, Kabupaten Pekalongan. Tepat pukul 22.00 WIB pembicara memulai meberikan ceramahnya pada acara pengajian umum dalam rangka "Halal Bi Hhalal Masyarakat Desa Wonopringgo Tahun 2017". Pada kesempatan kali ini, pembicara lebih menekankan kepada pentingnya menyambung tali silaturahmi dan pentingnya saling memafkan pada hari yang suci ini. Tepat pukul 23.30 WIB acara selesai dan kemudian ditutup dengan doa bersama untuk kebaikan bersama dan juga untuk kemajuan Desa Wonopringgo.
After the entertainment and some speech are over, then the event begins to enter the core event. Where the core event is a recitation brought by KH Abdul Manan from Kayugeritan Karanganyar, Pekalongan Regency. Precisely at 22:00 pm the speaker began giving his lecture at the public recitation event in order to "Halal Bi Halal People of Wonopringgo Village Year 2017". On this occasion, the speaker put more emphasis on the importance of connecting ties and the importance of mutual forgiveness on this holy day. Precisely at 23:30 pm the event was completed and then closed with a joint prayer for the common good and also for the progress of Wonopringgo Village.
Seluruh dokumentasi acara ini, dapat dilihat pada tautan berikut DI SINI (Galeri di Web desawonopringgo.com) atau DI SINI (Galeri di Facebook Page Desa Wonopringgo)
Salam MANTap!
"Menuju Wonopringgo MANTap! (Mandiri, Aman, Nyaman dan Terampil)"